I believe it all started about 6-9 months ago. My wife and I browsed Netflix on interior design and unusual houses. We found a series about Tiny Houses. After watchning a bunch of these we found more on YouTube.
Some of the Tiny House owners taked about FIRE – Financial Independence / Retire Early – and we started to look into this.
FIRE is about saving and investing money early in life, so that you at an early age can live from passive income from your investments and thus become financially independent. Some will use this to retire early, but this is not our goal.
Many people how adhere to the FIRE principles also look into minimalistic living as this will help them to reach the goal of financial independence faster. Most will need to continue this form of living in order to be able to live from their passive income.
For a couple of years we have already lived a relaxed form of minimal living, where we have selected not to buy a lot of stuff. So it should not be too difficult to live even more minimalistic – specially as the kids move away from home. The benefit of minimalistic living is more peace of mind from less things to manage, clean, maintain and store.
Starting around christmas 2019 we have now chosen to work towards financial independence by investing more and living more simple. On this page we’ll tell you about how we proceed.
We hope you enjoy following – keep the comments comming.
Christine and Torben